Thursday, June 16, 2011

In Prison For Believing in Christ ...

Prisoner Profile


Iran (Islamic

Vahik Abrahamian September 2010 May 14, 2011

Republic of)

Pastor Vahik Abrahamian and his wife Sonia Keshish-Avanesian were with their friends,
Arash Kermanjani, and his wife, Arezo Teymouri, when all four friends were detained onSeptember 4, 2010.

The two couples were arrested at the Abrahamians' home in Hamadan, west Iran, andtaken to the Ministry of Islamic Guidance prison.

For the first 40 days, they were held in solitary confinement and reportedly sufferedphysical abuse and psychological pressure.

The four have been accused of various offenses, including propagating Christianity,
opposing the Islamic Republic of Iran, and having contact with exiled opposition figures.
They have not yet been charged.

Over six months have passed since the two men and two women were arrested. They are under pressure andintense interrogation, according to Mohabat News. They were transferred from Hamadan prison to Iran's notoriousEvin prison in Tehran.

Their families are concerned for their health, but have not been able to find news of their loved ones. They are alsoworried about the children of the believers.

Pastor Vahik was arrested once before, on Feb. 20, 2010, on charges of conducting activities among Muslims. Hespent two months in prison before being released on bail. Pastor Vahik has dual citizenship in Iran and theNetherlands, but because of his passion for the Iranian people, he chose to live in Iran.

Source: Mohabat News

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Evin Prison

Address for Vahik Abrahamian

Government Officials Emailed

Saadat Abad

Islamic Republic of Iran Encouraging Letters Written

Please note

When writing a letter, never mention the name of the source of your information or the name of any organizationsuch as Voice of the Martyrs or Prisoner Alert. It is not dangerous for a prisoner to receive letters from individuals,
but if an organization is mentioned they may be accused of links with 'foreign organizations' and receive harshersentences. Also, please do not state anything negative about their government. For the latest information,
including letter writing tools and helps, please visit

Excerpt from an actual letter created on

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