Thursday, July 7, 2011


July 6th, 2011
SUDAN: Christians Request Prayer in Escalating Violence
South Sudan won its independence by a
landslide in January. However, there is
growing concern that another civil war could
ensue when the split from the north
becomes official on July 9. The
predominantly Arab and Muslim north and
the primarily Christian and animist south
battle to maintain power over the oil-rich
and strategically important disputed
The state of South Kordofan is on the
disputed border, and the capital city of
Kadugli has been razed. Christians in
particular have been targets of violence and
According to a local pastor, "The situation in
Nuba Mountains is beyond imagination,
almost all the buildings in the town were
destroyed, and all the churches in Kadugli
are either burned or looted. My house was looted, and all my belongings were taken away. Continue to pray with us for the
humanitarian needs of the civilians who are now in the open without basic human necessities."
Source: Assist News Service
Please Pray!
Experts say the situation could easily get far worse before it gets better, and these Christians need our prayers. Please
pray that God will end all contentions so the North and South can come to a peaceful resolution in order to bring stability to
both regions and preserve lives. Pray for God's provision for those who have lost homes, belongings and churches.
"But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect,
establish, strengthen, and settle you." (I Peter 5:10)
VOM provides assistance to Christians in Sudan by delivering medical care, Sudan Life Packs, Bibles and pastoral training.

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