Saturday, June 11, 2011

It has been a long time since I have posted on the but there has been alot going on in my life. God has been working in way you could not imagine and I will be back later to tell you what it has been.... God Blessen on top of the mountains and down in the valley over the last three years.  said he was going to start blogging again I thought, “Uh oh” at first because of the spam, the anger and the attacks that we inevitably set ourselves up for in continuing this little site. However, now I have a different perspective and I’ll tell you why later.....

It’s been so long since I’ve posted on here, that I have forgotten how. So I’m actually writing this initially in Microsoft office and will have Chris post it later since he’s all computer genius and stuff. 
It’s been so long since I’ve posted on here, that I have forgotten how. So I’m actually writing this initially in Microsoft office and will have Chris post it later since he’s all computer genius and stuff.

I felt there were some things needed saying. Chris and I have been up and down back and forth. Things have been crazy. We’ve been on top of the mountains and down in the valley over the last three years. When Chris said he was going to start blogging again I thought, “Uh oh” at first because of the spam, the anger and the attacks that we inevitably set ourselves up for in continuing this little site. However, now I have a different perspective and I’ll tell you why....

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